Crazy Printemps
Categories : Shopping, published on : 11/3/15
Friday, November 6th at 17:30, Le Printemps reveals its fabulous Christmas windows. This year, the scenography was entrusted to Philippe Découflé in collaboration with the puppeteer Jean-Claude Dehix. Talented choreographer is expected to design spectacular paintings with magical visual effects. The showcases unveil the characters (the Spirits of the Source, the Petits Maîtres du Temps, roses Demoiselles ...), devised with the help of the historical brands partners of the department store, evolving through a magical world.
Spring Fairy dressed in a catsuit is at the event center. It is surrounded by Les Petits Maîtres du Temps, characters face shaped dial watch (Longines), Lancôme Roses Demoiselles, Evian Geniuses of the Source, Sonia Rykiel Parisian Dolls, Christian Louboutin Pretty Dancers and Burberry British puppets.
Recall that Philippe Decouflé had prevailed in 2009 by inviting the Crazy Horse dancers to perform in one of the windows of Le Printemps, to mark the launch of the new “revue” of the nightclub.
You can reach the department stores Le Printemps from the hotel de Lille by the metro, line 12, Saint Lazare station.